
From my view, human tend to seek perfectionist. 
I love to observe people around me and i am an observer. 
Nowadays, i didn't talk much anymore and i think silence suit me better. 

I may appear as an arrogant person.
But, pardon me.
I am really not liked that at all. 

To find a friend that is really not an easy task. 
To find an honest friend it's not easy at all. 
I'm still searching for a friend in this huge place that I personally called my place of war. 
My place to run for my dream. 
The place i seek for my future, InsyaAllah.

Before, all money that i have been wasted i didn't think about it at all. 
Now, everything change.
I was responsible for my actions.
I was responsible for my own choice 
I was responsible for my own decision.

Dear Allah, 
Please guide me to the path that i always dream about.
Please hold still me if i'm lost with bad thoughts.
Please make sure that I'll always remember my desire to be in here. 
Please help me to meet awesome people in my journey. 

I hope You, O'Allah heard my voice. 
Heard my thought. 
Guide me with everythings that i may need, InsyaAllah.

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